Thursday, October 2, 2014

october 2

Today, we told the people who weren't in school yesterday about the music in education project with Spotify. Mr. Schick told the people that are in charge of this Spotify project to tell them that my code would not work. For the rest of class, we got back on track and talked more about population pyramids and we were given class time to look at the CIA Factbook. On this we were allowed to look at any country, mostly focusing on the big countries or African countries, and their population pyramid. It was interesting to see a country's pyramid and how it was shaped. For example, Qatar's pyramid was very strange. First, it has a lot more males than females. This is because they have a lot of oil there and it is a man's job to mine for oil. Second, they are not having a lot of babies there. Third, it looks like their life expectancy doesn't seem too high in Qatar. This was pretty cool to see because in comparison with, say, Afghanistan, their's is VERY different.

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