Thursday, September 11, 2014

Did you know?

Fact #1
1 in 8 couples in the US the maried last year met online.

When I saw this I was very surprised because I didn't think that dating sites were that popular. Right now I am not planning on going on a dating site so this paticular fact does not apply to me, but as I get older I may decide to join one. Who knows?

Fact #2
Today, the number of text messages sent and recieved everyday exceeds the total population of the planet.

When that fact popped up I was not as surprised as I was for some others because texting is done all the time. Kids the age of 7 have cell phones and are texting all day long. some kids take texting to another level by doing it in class or in church. I do text, but never in school or in church.

Fact #3
Digital music sales in 2011 out stripped physical sales for the first time ever.

This paticular fact surprised me the most. Never in a million years would I think iTunes would sell more than physical sales. Some may not havebeen surprised but I was. I listen to iTunes probaly everyday or almost everyday. I would bet that the average person listens to 50 songs a day or more.

Technology is growing fast. As it keeps growing we, the people, will have to adapt. If you don't adapt the world will "eat" you. Soon the world will be based on pure technology. Everything will run on power through Internet or whatever. If you don't adapt you will be lost.

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